
Born Slippy, or Born Slippyage, or Born Slippery

single channel video, loop, color, sound
1 minute 35 seconds
Dimensions Variable (video aspect 2048px x 384px)

Originally commissioned for the outdoor digital marquee at the Cobo Center in Detroit, Michigan as part of the Center’s Artist Marquee Series The Big Screen
Funds provided by Knight Foundation

    In Born Slippy, or Born Slippyage, or Born Slippery, uninhibited dance becomes a tool for self-actualization.  Unruly bodies transition in and out of the dance floor made up of kaleidoscopic shifting tesselations, developing an understanding of the multiple ways one moves through the world.  Born Slippy is an exploration of shapeshifting and passing in social structures, and the idiosyncratic gestures in each body that go along with the mimetic layers that speak to larger societal roles and identities.

Cobo Marquee Installation View, Detroit MI 2018